

We are a very eclectic mix of people joined by love of neighbor. More on that here. In terms of geography, spirituality, politics, age, income, education, and life experience we are all over the map. We like the idea of anonymously swooping in to do some good on this day dedicated to love. Anyone can be a part of the Valentine Community.

Two names appear on the website by necessity: Emily, who coordinates the angel work you all make possible & Rose who supplies a place for it all to come together. There are scores of people and companies who give and do in heroic ways that make this group Valentine’s Day gift happen, whose names do not appear. We are deeply indebted to each of them.

If you have any questions about how this works, or how to make the project fuller through your involvement contact us.

At a time when things can feel so divided the wildly diverse participation in this project is especially touching. Hundreds of people, many of whom might not imagine they had anything in common with each other, collaborate to do something to lift up our neighbors and put love into the world. You really are heroes.  

We're not a formal organization, just a group of friends so there's no tax break. All of the donations go directly into the project - everyone involved is a volunteer and the space we use is donated.


2013 This stone soup project came into being when a co-worker of a friend asked for help making gift bags for survivors of domestic abuse at a Brooklyn Safe Horizon shelter. We asked our community if they’d like to join us in celebrating Valentine’s Day this way. To our delight people started sending in jewelry, toiletries, gift cards, hand packed little treats. That year we made up 17 gift bags for one shelter.

2014 We took over the initiative & gave gift bags to all adults at the Brooklyn Safe Horizon shelter. 30 gift bags.

2015 So much stuff came in that we were able to expand to the Staten Island shelter. 60 gift bags!

2016 - 2019 Generous donations made it possible to expand to all eight of Safe Horizon’s NYC shelters. 300 gift bags! In 2018 a satellite group started in St. Louis!

2020 The outpouring of community made it possible to add Sanctuary for Families shelter in NYC, My Sister’s Place in Yonkers, & the Elizabeth Friedman Center in the Berkshires, bumping our count to a record 406 really full gift bags & satellite project began in CT!

2021 We expanded to the Barrier Free Living shelters and gave a record breaking 594 gift bags!

2022 You have made it possible to give 2,251 Valentines in the first 8 years. What we do in the 9th year depends on what you give!